I mentioned the tripartite view back in september, the difference between perception and reality with regards to the state of 'things'
Colin Drummond picked out this very useful infographic from new scientist which puts data into the equation.
There are obviously numerous metrics for measuring this stuff but what rarely happens in the context of news reporting or conversation is the emphasis on data relative to x years ago. Instead the now is mentioned usually with emphasis on this period we're living through being the most dramatic and extreme time since...um, the last one.
it makes now feel important, looking back it usually wasn't, just another day slowly progressing towards better very gradually.
The thing is though, people rarely think in terms of statistics. They think in terms of personal experiences, emotions, connections, stories and the information they are exposed to. We need to frame brand communication within this context, if brands can make utility rather than vacuous messages then maybe people will start to believe that things are getting better.
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