There is nothing wrong with the big idea, it gives brand communication clarity, coherence and if all goes well a consistent and unique brand identity. Mark Earls recently argued it's declining in importance as markets and brand communication moves more towards two way conversations, why take the risk on one key insight when we can create content and push numerous ideas and distribute them at a very low cost, he said. We'll soon see what people react to and what resonates - from this we can develop phase two developing a conversation based on the learnings, all the time building relationships.
My thoughts on the matter focus more on the concept of a campaign - the very word seems to indicate a start and end date, a wrap party and a board meeting where everyone is held to account and dealt with accordingly. This is not how the rest of the world operates. People have identities, they morph, get influenced and have idiosyncrasies which we can choose to love or hate. People now expect their brands to operate in much the same way, if a brand invites you to participate, it should not be from date x to date y but instead be seen as a connection that will developed and elevated.
The idea is the most important thing but for me, of almost equal importance is the approach the brand takes to world of individuals it is about to communicate with. Do not put an end date on it, be ready to redevelop that idea having listened to what they're saying, create varieties on it. Show that you've moved beyond 'campaigns' and understand they couldn't care less which campaign you're currently working on. Light fires but only do so if you're prepared to elongate the conversation and understand it's the start of something that might not have a foreseeable end date.
Hugh de Winton
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