Looking back, it was all simple pre digital/mobile/web 2.0. An ad was a certain format, shape and description - for both the creative, planner and consumer the ground was well trodden and each part of the process knew their role within proceedings - consumers paid attention or didn't, the advertiser would then go back to the drawing board and talk it all over.
How does this compare to now? well planners and creatives are just about keeping up with the options available yet I doubt the consumer is, does your average man on the street understand behavioural targeting, buzz marketing or why they've been offered that quite cool application for free?
Does it really matter? not necessarily yet there is one danger that threatens to damage the already cynical consumer - should a consumer engage with content to quite an extensive level it is very important that they know the creators and intentions behind it. without this advertising industry risks damaging further it's reputation with the brand wary individual. We're in a very exciting time of brand engagement right now yet some self regulation is surely needed to ensure that our audiences retain the view that advertising can be fun, compelling and of interest to their needs and objectives. It only takes one or two examples of deceit or dishonesty to contaminate the ad industry's image as a creator of value in peoples lives.
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