Stats are often bounded about claiming how many ads or brands we come across in one day. How accurate they are is very hard to figure but I'm sure the number has gone through the roof since the massification of broadband and the birth of the smartphone. Fillstroke, a collaborative based in Phoenix Arizona have mapped out the number of brands and ads into a rather cool clock shape. After much research, they've come up with a total figure of 1,035 brands, logos and ads - a frightening amount for any media planner trying to make best use of a budget.
More crucially however, it doesn't begin to answer the question of engagement - I'd love to see a similar survey based on the number of brands an individual actually interacts with in a day, whether it be by an iphone app, an MPU or billboard at the train station. It's this relationship that is of true value to a brand, not plastering your logo all over any available surface.