Tailoring ads to audiences may as an advertiser feel like an extra expense, can't we just run the quite cool ad across multiple territories and audiences? afterall, it did cost a bomb and that wrap party didn't pay for itself.
On the contrary, it is probably the best opportunity a 'big' advertiser has to emphasize and align themselves with a particular audience or individual. It's not enough any more to say 'we're big, come join' - if the ad doesn't interest, it won't get talked about or shared. Individuals now expect for an ad to engage and be compelling, if it isn't it will fall away into the black hole of forgotten ads.
As the shareability/talkability of an ad becomes more important to an advertiser something really interesting happens. Reach, the tv planning byword and central pillar of TV advertising success makes way for engagement for without engagement (in an online context) you will not gain any reach. Only interesting things spread virally - it's like a darwinian survival of the interesting